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Todays MAN magazine was located in Arkansas and published by RML Media. It’s target audience was affluent, professional men. Although it is no longer in circulation, gives you an idea of design. A sleek layout design was done with articles supplied by publisher. Ads were created or submitted. Photography was taken or stock photos used...
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Lawson Pilgrim of Peak Performance requested a template email campaign that he could go in and add text to the main body of the email. Utilizing Constant Contact an email campaign was set up and the client could go in and add text as desired (The Lorem Epsum is placement text). Then send out to...
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Client wanted a website that they could make changes to text and add pages as needed. Suggested a WordPress website. Set the site up to get them started. Included links to social media and a blog page. Visit live site …. Royal Gymnastics.
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Golf News Magazine
Magazine for 50 Plus
Chiropractic Advertisment
Custom Pools Logo
Tanked - Creations 4 You
Golf News Magazine Website
Billboard Steak House - Creations 4 You
Sandwich Ship Ad by Creations 4 You
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